Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, June 28, 2024
Follow Fatima, Brindisi, Way of the Immaculate Heart. Stay Away from the Church of Darkness
Message of Saint John Evangelist to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on February 7, 2024

Brothers in Christ, I am the Disciple He loved, Little John, the one who rested His head on His breast. Meekly accept the Message of Brindisi, of Reconciliation with God.
Heaven is speaking NOW in Brindisi, at the Blessed Garden of the greatest graces and miracles. Here God is working, speaking, acting, revealing, blessing, saving, healing, leading back to Himself, teaching, teaching, purifying, converting, freeing.
The Heavenly Court is revealed HERE. Meekly accept this DIVINE APPEAL. Meditate on these Messages and spread them.
We are with the Little Remnant, Remnant Church of the Last Times, guided by Me and Most Holy Mary. Listen to us, there is little time left.
Make altars at home, well adorned and with candle always lit, take spiritual communion frequently, fast on Fridays, pray the Rosary in the family and do not follow deviant, corrupt and Masonic bishops and ministers. Turn away from the Satanic Roman imposture soon.
The Little Flock is led by Us and is True Remnant Church, NOW more than before.
Ask for forgiveness of sins and you will get it promptly.
The Scales are ready. The Angels are holding the Cups of Divine Justice to pour them out and punish the ungodly, unrighteous, evildoers, impostors, heretical false believers, and all the opponents and persecutors of Fatima and Brindisi.
The opponents will perish. The workers of iniquity will be punished by God Himself.
Whoever judges, criticizes, defames, curses, insults, persecutes this Work, will pay bitterly. Divine excommunication is already in place for the false church, false ministers and false believers, heretics, apostates, persecutors of Heaven and defamers.
Everything is written in the BOOK of Judgment. God is Love, but He is also Justice.
Will He not defend His Elect and disciples? Yes, He will readily do so. Be vigilant. Do not defame or slander this Work, for Divine Wrath will reach you wherever you are.
Pray, believe, spread, bless. Do not spread heresies and lies. Be meek, sober, thoughtful, prudent. Many false prophets have arisen, be vigilant.
They will try to pass off this Appeal as false and false apparitions as true. Be vigilant.
Follow Fatima who continues in Brindisi, with Mary and the Heavenly Court operating against the Infernal Court.
The legions of demons are operative, be vigilant.
Do not follow those who slander and do not believe in Fatima and Brindisi. Be vigilant, in silence turn away. They will come in His Name but we do not know them.
Follow Brindisi now more than before, for here we tell you the truth: true and false church, true faith and false faith, antichrists forerunners of the Antichrist to come, Satanic Roman imposture.
Follow Brindisi, continuation of Fatima and La Salette, distrusting those who curse this Supernatural, Heavenly, Divine Appeal.
Accept meekly these Messages, these Prophecies and Signs.
We are warning you in everything, he who has ears to hear will hear.
We are telling you the truth, repent in time and return to God. Think about your own sins and mistakes, not others' sins. Let the tree that bears no fruit be uprooted. Let the righteous be sanctified more, the sinner repent, the unrighteous abandon evil. Jesus forgives those who repent in time.
Behold the Trumpets sound, behold the Angels come with the Bowls of Divine Wrath.
The Little Remnant fear nothing. Those who follow Fatima and Brindisi will be saved from pagan Rome, New Babylon.
The Little Flock is in Our Hand of Heaven, composed of pious souls, faithful servants, converted, repentant. Fear nothing, have faith and hope, final perseverance.
Follow Fatima, Brindisi, Way of the Immaculate Heart. Stay away from the church of darkness. Take refuge in Mary Salvific Ark, Coredemptrix, Safe Guide, Teacher in Faith, True Church, Defense of the poor and afflicted, of hearts exacerbated and lonely, disappointed and misunderstood, judged and unheard.
God will heal every wound. He will dry every tear of His children, of His devotees, servants, little ones. God will help you soon. God is with His Little Catholic Remnant, True Mystical Church. God is the Emmanuel, the Living One, the Lord.
Pray, pray, pray. Whoever will believe will be saved, whoever will not believe is already condemned. Whoever will believe in the Only Begotten Son will be saved.
God has given power to become children in the Only Begotten Son. He has given power to believers to walk on serpents and scorpions, to drink poisons and not die, to heal the sick. Those who truly believe can do much.
In the Name of Jesus one is saved, liberates, heals, purifies and elevates.
Jesus, Name above every name. Jesus, Salvific Name. Jesus is Love, Truth, He is Everything... Mercy, Peace, Consolation. I bless you My beloved ones. Shalom.